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Kids Choose Donated Jewelry for Mother's Day Gifts

Zontians from the Joliet Area Club donated more than 1,200 pieces of jewelry for our collection drive of the past few months. Then, Zonta volunteers wrapped jewelry individually to share with the community in several ways:

Thanks to ZontianTerri Taylor and her creative jewelry presentation, we were able to coordinate with five (5) Joliet District 86 elementary schools to provide the Kindergarteners the chance to shop for a couple pieces of jewelry for their mother or significant female family member in time for Mother’s Day. The same was done for the Mary Sears Childcare Center and approximately 35 young pre-school children “shopped” for that beautiful gift. Thank you to Zontian Katy Leclair and the Greater Joliet Area YMCA staff who helped us reach out to some of their after-school program children. The children were not the only enthusiastic ones; the principals, teachers and teacher aides were so thrilled for the opportunity we gave the children. All the Zonta volunteers were happy to help the children with their gifts and put it in a beautiful gift bag! It truly was a vision to behold! Finally, Sunny Hill Nursing Center received approximately 100 gift-wrapped packages of jewelry pieces for the older, more mature woman. They were very excited and appreciative to receive the gifts.

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Zonta Club of the Joliet Area
P.O. Box 2608
Joliet IL 60434

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