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Plainfield Village Board Proclamation for United Nations Day

On Monday, October 18, 2021, the Village Board of Plainfield proclaimed October 24, which is United Nations Day, as Plainfield UN Day, on behalf of the Zonta Club of the Joliet Area and the Rotary of Plainfield.

Pictured below are Dr. Chris Smith of the Plainfield Rotary, and from Zonta: Emmie Ostrem, Pam Hunte, Plainfield Mayor John Argoudelis, from Zonta: President Beth Colvin, Lisa Pappas, Cathy Miller and Bonnie Horne.

Our thanks to the Village of Plainfield for recognizing the important international work done by Zonta International in aiding and empowering women, and by Rotary International in its efforts to eradicate polio. Locally on the international front, the Zonta Club of the Joliet Area has been sponsoring for more than a decade, the Jebreel Learning Center in western Afghanistan.

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