The November episode coincides with Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Zonta's 16 Days of Activism campaign, Zonta Says No to Violence. Zontian Pat Perrier leads a discussion with Joliet native, Amirrah Abou-Youssef.
Ms. Abou-Youssef received her Bachelor of Science from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign in Psychology, with a Minor in Gender and Women’s Studies in 2010. She completed her Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy from Adler University in 2012. Ms. Abou-Youssef has worked in family violence for over 10 years in the Will County community. She is a Certified Domestic Violence Professional and currently sits on the Board of Directors for the Illinois Certified Domestic Violence Professionals, Inc. She most recently was working with Guardian Angel Community Services and has now transitioned to working for the Illinois Family Violence 12th Circuit Court as a Local Council Coordinator. Amirrah shares her experiences with law enforcement, with the circuit court, Will County, and the many women and children she has helped in her rewarding career.
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